kết quả tìm kiếm You Taichi, ​​tổng số 15835 (mất {taketime} giây).

Cerina đánh giá trên 碧海蓝天 Le grand bleu.

3 years ago
My world is you. I love you. I want to live with you. I want to have a baby with you. I want to have a house with you. A car with you. A dog with you. You know?

Pxsinsokmhg đánh giá trên 自由大道 MILK.

3 years ago
I know you can\'t live on hope alone, but without hope, life is not worth living. So, you, and you, and you, you gotta give people hope.

bettyadamsggn61 đánh giá trên 相助 The Help.

3 years ago
\"You is kind. You is smart. You is important.\"

Geiikbbnor đánh giá trên 姊妹 The Help.

2 years ago
\"You is kind. You is smart. You is important.\"
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
2 years ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
1 year ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
1 year ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
1 year ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
1 year ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.
1 year ago
-Are you ready for this? -Yeah. -You need to know you\'re ready. You gotta feel it in your bones.