kết quả tìm kiếm 海莉·斯坦菲尔德, ​​tổng số 2945 (mất {taketime} giây).

06/13/73 Trong nhà hát
Coffy is a nurse whose younger sister gets involved in drugs and is severely injured by contaminated heroin. Coffy sets out on a mission of vengeance and vigilante justice, killing...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
編劇: Brittany Bristow 主演: Brittany Bristow / Augustus Prew / Thure Riefenstein 型別: 家庭 製片國家/地區: 加拿大 語言: 英語 ...
09/15/17 Trong nhà hát
「在所有的藝術裡面,舞蹈是最早有的,也是最難被理解的,易碎的,人在就在,不在就沒了。」這是一個思念的故事,也是一首生命輓歌;關於重逢,同時好好說再見。影像詩人陳懷恩耗時三年,溫柔獻上專屬曼菲的情詩。   「就這麼一直轉下去,我就自由了。」曼菲的生命,就像舞作《輓歌》裡那十分鐘的獨舞旋轉,好似沒有目標,其實什麼都已註定,轉出她的纏繞愛戀和藝術天賦,留下絕美的身...
10/21/11 Trong nhà hát
STOCKHOLM ÖSTRA är en kärlekshistoria mellan två främlingar, förenade av en händelse som tagit hårt på deras respektive liv och förhållanden. När Johan (Mikael Persbrandt) och Anna...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
本片揭示了肯尼迪以及刺殺他的李·哈維·奧斯瓦爾德在1963年被刺殺的祕密。 Killing Oswald explores the mystery of how and why John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Osw...
02/01/13 Trong nhà hát
上世紀大蕭條時期,家住哈遜岸河畔的Margaret "Daisy" Suckley應邀前往她遠房表兄Franklin D. Roosevelt位於海德公園的鄉居中幫助這位內憂外患纏身的美國總統「放鬆一下」。不久她便成了他的情人。 這一特殊身份另Daisy見證了1939年Roosevelt...
01/01/72 Trong nhà hát
導演: 赫蘇斯·弗朗哥 編劇: 赫蘇斯·弗朗哥 主演: 丹尼斯·普萊斯 / 霍華德·沃儂 / Anne Libert 型別: 恐怖 製片國家/地區: 西班牙 / 法國 語言: 法語 上映日期: 1972 片長: 94 分鐘 / N...
02/11/15 Trong nhà hát
《愛森斯坦在瓜納華託》講述的是世界蒙太奇之父謝爾蓋·愛森斯坦在墨西哥度過的一段奇特歲月。影片實驗性頗足,並極具視覺衝擊力,是英國導演彼得·格林納威的巔峰之作,入圍2015年柏林電影節金熊獎。 1931年,蘇聯導演謝爾蓋·愛森斯坦(埃爾默·拜克 E...
01/01/18 Trong nhà hát
Armed with an arcane knowledge of the dark arts and a wicked wit, John Constantine fights the good fight. With his soul already damned to hell, he’ll do whatever it takes to protec...
12/07/12 Trong nhà hát
The Brothers McMullen writer-director-star Edward Burns returns to the family well once again with this warm, acutely observed story about an expansive Irish clan’s fraught yuletid...
04/29/05 Trong nhà hát
03/20/15 Trong nhà hát
Inseparable best friends struggle to make the best of their last few days together, savoring the city nightlife with an enigmatic artis t one of them takes a liking for.
07/27/11 Trong nhà hát
What started as a crazy wager between friends, ended up as a full movie, created and acted by the whole population of the friendly Flemish village of Schellebelle. The renowned act...
05/15/15 Trong nhà hát
导演: 拉斯洛·奈迈施 编剧: 拉斯洛·奈迈施 / 克拉拉·罗耶 主演: 格扎·罗里格 / 列文特·莫尔纳 / 乌尔斯·瑞恩 / 托德·沙尔蒙 / 耶日·瓦尔恰克 / 盖尔戈·法卡斯 / 巴拉日·法卡斯 / 桑德尔·泽绍特 / 马尔桑·恰尼克 / 列文特·奥尔班 类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 战争 ...
01/01/12 Trong nhà hát
08/09/12 Trong nhà hát
In the very waters where Melville's Pequod gave chase to Moby Dick, Leviathan captures the collaborative clash of man, nature, and machine. Shot on a dozen cameras — tossed and tet...
02/16/16 Trong nhà hát
A graduate of the Offenbach College of Design, Piotr J. Lewandowski has made his directorial debut with JONATHAN (working-title) based on an award-winning screenplay. The moving dr...
05/28/15 Trong nhà hát
Schneider, a hit man, gets a call from Mertens on the morning of his birthday. He has a rush job for Schneider who refuses it, because it is his birthday and he has promised Lucy, ...
03/26/70 Trong nhà hát
01/01/10 Trong nhà hát
Luz Garcia, a high school senior in a forgotten Texas town, wants something different than the options awaiting her after graduation. She's earned a ticket out with admission to th...