kết quả tìm kiếm 《八月三十一日,我在奧斯陸》, ​​tổng số 10860 (mất {taketime} giây).

07/26/13 Trong nhà hát
09/02/22 Trong nhà hát
21世紀厭世系絕美神作 北歐詩意光景經典重溫 坎城影展一種注目撼世傑作 斯德哥爾摩影展、挪威奧斯卡多項大獎 即將戒毒期滿的安德斯,獲得一個面試機會。 《八月三十一日,我在奧斯陸》 是2011年由挪威導演尤沃金·提爾所執導的電影作品,大致改編自皮耶·綴厄·拉·侯歇的小說《鬼火》,於...
01/01/12 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
                          故事開始於1927年春天,當時國共合作節節勝利,北伐軍風捲殘雲般滌盪著北洋軍閥,可到了4月12日,蔣介石、汪精衛(李子雄 飾)先後背叛革命,向廣大共產黨人和工農民眾揮起了屠刀,瞬間整個中國被白色恐怖籠罩,大革命失敗了。在此萬分危機時刻,共產黨人越發彰顯出大無畏的革命英雄主義,為了挽救革命,他們在極端嚴峻的形...
09/26/08 Trong nhà hát
Rick Penning lives life just like he plays rugby; fast, hard-hitting and intense. When life on the edge lands him in jail, prison ward Marcus Tate offers him a chance to get back i...
07/20/18 Trong nhà hát
A sensory, immersive composition takes us on a journey to a place that seems to have stopped in time but remains timeless. A female voice reads a mythological text on the origin of...
03/03/14 Trong nhà hát
A spy thriller telling a historically based story of a man who alone dares to challenge Soviets being in the middle of the communistic system himself. Planning the maneuvers of War...
08/31/11 Trong nhà hát
《八月三十一日,我在奧斯陸》 (挪威語:Oslo, 31. august)是2011年由挪威導演尤沃金·提爾所執導的電影作品,鬆散地改編自皮耶·綴厄·拉·侯歇的小說《鬼火》,於第64屆坎城影展一種注目單元首映。 安德斯(安德斯·丹尼爾森·李 Anders Daniels...
01/01/19 Trong nhà hát
A story about six young individuals with different backgrounds and different outlooks who work hard to build a life for themselves in the big city. Jin Ran gives up his high-paying...
01/01/12 Trong nhà hát
07/24/20 Trong nhà hát
01/23/17 Trong nhà hát
Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary interrogates murderous fear and racialized perce...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Soon after the rising young singer-songwriter Beau Williams gets involved with a fallen, emotionally unstable country star Kelly Canter, the pair embark on a career resurrection to...
01/08/22 Trong nhà hát
08/31/18 Trong nhà hát
Nami is a 40-year-old housewife. She meets her high school friend Serika for the first time in many years, but Serika now has terminal cancer. Serika tells Nami that she wants to m...
03/28/14 Trong nhà hát
Louie is a waiter in a cafe who gets humorously walked all over by his dictatorial boss Kanaan and a sadistic customer when small, absurd misunderstandings become the order of the ...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Veronica, a 27-year-old black woman, runs her house very well. Veronica has a college degree in corporate law and works for a popular firm. Darnell is a freelance photographer. A s...
01/01/21 Trong nhà hát
01/15/17 Trong nhà hát
《強島》(Strong Island) 導演:揚斯·福特(Yance Ford) 入圍2017年聖丹斯電影節紀錄片單元
03/06/13 Trong nhà hát
. 아버지가 코치로 있는 럭비팀 ‘플래그스태프’에 소속되어 있는 17살 릭 패닝은 완벽한 엄친아 스타일에도 불구하고 시합에 이기는 것 외에는 관심이 없는 아버지에 대한 반항으로 문제아 적 삶을 살아가게 된다. 어느 날, 여자친구를 태우고 음주운전을 하던 릭 패닝은 재판 후, 소년원에 들어가게 되고 그 곳에서 빨리 나가기...