kết quả tìm kiếm 《尼古拉斯·尼克勒比的生活與歷險記》, ​​tổng số 15537 (mất {taketime} giây).

06/27/03 Trong nhà hát
尼古拉斯·尼克爾比(Nicholas Nickleby)是道格拉斯·麥格拉思(Douglas McGrath)執導的2002年英美時期喜劇電影。劇本改編自查爾斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的《尼古拉斯·尼克勒比的生活與歷險記》,該書最初於1838年3月至1839年9月間以連載形式出版。 ...
04/18/14 Trong nhà hát
Workaholic attorney, Alex [Winstead] is forced to reinvent her life after her husband suddenly leaves. Now faced with the humdrum and sometimes catastrophic events that permeate th...
09/26/08 Trong nhà hát
Rick Penning lives life just like he plays rugby; fast, hard-hitting and intense. When life on the edge lands him in jail, prison ward Marcus Tate offers him a chance to get back i...
07/20/18 Trong nhà hát
A sensory, immersive composition takes us on a journey to a place that seems to have stopped in time but remains timeless. A female voice reads a mythological text on the origin of...
03/03/14 Trong nhà hát
A spy thriller telling a historically based story of a man who alone dares to challenge Soviets being in the middle of the communistic system himself. Planning the maneuvers of War...
01/01/17 Trong nhà hát
獨自在台北生活的徐子淇(瑞瑪席丹 飾)摸索著未來生存的方向,平靜生活的同時持續陷在與男友不安定的關係。她經常接到要找「強尼」的電話,這些打錯了的電話與她的黑頭凱克鸚鵡們是生活的陪伴與調劑。住在樓下的房東太太的兒子李立(黃遠 飾),每日朗讀報章雜誌訓練專注,可是某日發現徐子淇偷帶鸚鵡上捷運後,規律的生活卻因此亂了序。 裝修工人張以風(柯宇綸 飾)接了李立家附近...
04/14/17 Trong nhà hát
Spark, a teenage monkey and his friends, Chunk and Vix, are on a mission to regain Planet Bana - a kingdom overtaken by the evil overlord Zhong.
01/01/12 Trong nhà hát
07/24/20 Trong nhà hát
01/23/17 Trong nhà hát
Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary interrogates murderous fear and racialized perce...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Soon after the rising young singer-songwriter Beau Williams gets involved with a fallen, emotionally unstable country star Kelly Canter, the pair embark on a career resurrection to...
04/09/10 Trong nhà hát
改編桑貝同名經典童書繪本,重新整理法國年度票房紀錄。 「小淘氣」尼古拉是個想像力豐富的小學生,自從媽媽懷孕之後,他就開始擔心被爸媽遺棄,古靈精怪的同班同學們,舉出各種遺棄手段,像是藉口去踏青然後把他丟在森林中…不停的危言聳聽搞得尼古拉很憂鬱。 這天,爸媽突如其來提議要去森林度假,這可把尼古拉嚇壞啦,趕緊向死黨們求救。於是一群小學生異想天開,想出一連串搞笑奇謀...
12/20/95 Trong nhà hát
10/21/14 Trong nhà hát
宙斯之子赫拉克勒斯(道恩·強森 Dwayne Johnson 飾)自幼飽嘗人世間難以想象的苦痛與磨練,他完成了神所安排的十二項試煉,創造了萬眾敬仰的半神傳奇。而事實上大力神赫拉克勒斯不過是在奧托力科斯(盧夫斯·塞維爾Rufus Sewell 飾)、安菲阿拉俄斯(伊恩·麥柯肖恩 Ian McShane 飾)、阿塔蘭塔(英格麗德·波爾索·貝達爾 Ingrid B...
05/18/10 Trong nhà hát
由羅馬尼亞導演安德烈·烏吉卡(Andrei Ujica)執導的影片《尼古拉·齊奧塞斯庫自傳》是該導演講述共產主義尾聲的三部曲中的最後一部。影片在歷史影像資料的基礎上剪輯而成,著重描述了這個在二十世紀下半葉深刻影響了羅馬尼亞歷史的獨裁者的形象。這是安德烈·烏吉卡第一次參加戛納電影節。他於20點在“Salle du Soixantième”廳介紹這部非參賽電影。...
08/31/18 Trong nhà hát
Nami is a 40-year-old housewife. She meets her high school friend Serika for the first time in many years, but Serika now has terminal cancer. Serika tells Nami that she wants to m...
03/28/14 Trong nhà hát
Louie is a waiter in a cafe who gets humorously walked all over by his dictatorial boss Kanaan and a sadistic customer when small, absurd misunderstandings become the order of the ...
07/15/89 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Veronica, a 27-year-old black woman, runs her house very well. Veronica has a college degree in corporate law and works for a popular firm. Darnell is a freelance photographer. A s...
04/01/10 Trong nhà hát
哈爾濱素有“東方莫斯科”之稱,作為中東鐵路的樞紐,哈爾濱受到來自俄國的外來文化強烈的衝擊。隨著俄國人的不斷湧入,作為俄國國教的東正教也隨之在哈爾濱傳播開來,各種東正教堂不斷興建。聖尼古拉教堂始建於18 哈爾濱素有“東方莫斯科”之稱,作為中東鐵路的樞紐,哈爾濱受到來自俄國的外來文化強烈的衝擊。隨著俄國人的不斷湧入,作為俄國國教的東正教也隨之在哈爾濱傳播開來,各...