kết quả tìm kiếm 德里克·梅耶斯, ​​tổng số 2380 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/23/16 Trong nhà hát
講述上世紀70年代電視記者Christine Chubbuck的生平。
08/08/03 Trong nhà hát
本片講述了印度超人克里斯的父親的傳奇經歷。本來膽小懦弱的羅西特偶然與遺落在地球的外星人賈都締結下深厚的友情,賈都把自己的一身特異功能傳給了羅西特並幫助他成為所向披靡的超人... ... 如果說《印度超人》是向超人叫板的話,此前傳倒有幾分向ET致敬的味道。
01/01/52 Trong nhà hát
Androcles is a Christian who follows that religion's teachings even as they apply to the treatment of animals. Seeing a lion in pain, he removes a huge thorn from the beast's paw, ...
09/07/14 Trong nhà hát
Félix is an eccentric and penniless French Canadian whose wealthy father is dying. Meira is a married Hasidic woman with a family, searching for something new. They were not meant ...
02/01/17 Trong nhà hát
In a small economically depressed southern town, a gifted young painter with a rare skin disorder must live his life at night. When a tormented young woman being chased by her own ...
04/01/08 Trong nhà hát
19-year-old CHRISTIE COLEMAN has had a difficult life. After her mother divorced her father RICHARD, Christie was the only one to stand by him despite the fact that everything in R...
05/10/12 Trong nhà hát
此條目為國內上映合集條目,上下集條目分別為: 賽德克·巴萊(上)太陽旗 http://movie.douban.com/subject/10450409/ 賽德克·巴萊(下)彩虹橋 http://movie.doub...
09/18/87 Trong nhà hát
05/28/15 Trong nhà hát
Schneider, a hit man, gets a call from Mertens on the morning of his birthday. He has a rush job for Schneider who refuses it, because it is his birthday and he has promised Lucy, ...
03/26/70 Trong nhà hát
11/14/14 Trong nhà hát
01/01/09 Trong nhà hát
Written and directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza, the film stars Marko Zaror as ” a young hitman who will not relent until he has exacted bloody revenge on the man who killed his moth...
10/19/12 Trong nhà hát
亞歷克斯·克羅斯(Alex Cross)是一部由羅伯·科恩(Rob Cohen)執導的2012年美國動作驚悚片,主演是泰勒·派瑞(Tyler Perry)擔任主角,馬修·福克斯(Matthew Fox)擔任反派畢加索。改編劇本由馬克·莫斯(Marc Moss)和克里·威廉姆森...
05/11/10 Trong nhà hát
The town of Westbrick is a rough place to live in. It is here that the young rookie cop Matthew lives with his wife. Meanwhile, notorious serial killers Billy and Barbara embark on...
01/01/09 Trong nhà hát
03/14/14 Trong nhà hát
06/16/11 Trong nhà hát
本片榮獲2011年塞巴斯蒂安國際電影節最佳紀錄片提名。 影片從兩位拳擊傳奇巨星兄弟在烏克蘭社會主義時代的童年艱難生活開始,直到他們成為國際拳壇巨星,展現了他們的努力及相互的衝突,著重刻劃了兄弟情,以及他們的故事激勵了一代體育迷。
10/07/60 Trong nhà hát
《萬夫莫敵》是一套1960年的美國傳記片,由史丹利·庫柏力克執導,寇克·道格拉斯等主演。電影以斯巴達克斯的經歷爲藍本,描述他率領奴隸起義對抗羅馬人的故事。獲得金球獎最佳戲劇類影片。保守派影視如90年代著名青少年電影《獨領風騷》等喜歡將此片說成是同性戀所愛好,以減少佔人口多數的異性戀者觀看此反抗奴役的經典電影。 公元前73年,...
01/01/96 Trong nhà hát
故事的基礎是一位大約8歲而名為德克斯特(Dexter)的神童。在他房間的書架後面,有一間塞滿各式先進器材的祕密實驗室,要進入必須說出不同的密碼,或啟動書櫃中的隱藏開關。德克斯特有個討人厭的姊姊「蒂蒂」(Dee Dee),經常擅自闖入他的實驗室,並破壞他的發明;許多集數都是圍繞在這個主題。
12/26/12 Trong nhà hát
六歲女孩小瑪,和爸爸阿湯相依為命。小瑪是爸爸生命中最重要的事物,即使生活拮据,阿湯仍儘可能讓小瑪的童年過得美好快樂。不過當小瑪遇見阻街女郎小玫,一切就完全不一樣了…。小瑪決定給爸爸跟自己一份特別的聖誕禮物:一個女人! ...