kết quả tìm kiếm 沙普的軍團, ​​tổng số 9224 (mất {taketime} giây).

05/01/96 Trong nhà hát
Sharpe is horrified to be told that his regiment,the South Essex,is to be disbanded and discovers a plot whereby corrupt war minister Fenner and other high ranking militarists auct...
05/12/93 Trong nhà hát
Sir Arthur Wellesley takes the army into Spain. In camp, Sharpe and Harper watch the arrival of a new regiment - the South Essex. At its head is Col. Sir Henry Simmerson, accompa...
04/19/95 Trong nhà hát
Pyrennees, September 1813 Lost in the Spanish hills, Sharpe's men come across the attacked remains of an English wagon trai...
04/26/95 Trong nhà hát
Franco-Spanish Border, 1813 A carriage travelling through the countryside is ambushed by the French. Only a young nun esca...
11/02/08 Trong nhà hát
04/23/06 Trong nhà hát
《夏普的挑戰》是一部2006年的英國電視電影,通常分爲兩部分,這是根據伯納德·康威爾關於拿破崙戰爭期間英國士兵理查德·夏普的歷史小說小說創作的ITV系列電視劇的一部分。 惠靈頓的公爵在滑鐵盧粉碎拿破崙兩年之後,有來自一個印度當地土着的的新聞,內容是那裏威脅到英國的利益。惠靈頓密令沙普調查,究竟他執行的是什麼樣的危險任務?將軍...
05/25/94 Trong nhà hát
Spain 1812 After the siege of Cuidad Rodrigo, the Dule of Wellington plans to lay siege to Badajoz. Meanwhile, Teresa tell...
06/01/94 Trong nhà hát
Portugal 1813 French, Portuguese and British deserters have banded together and taken over the village of Adrados. They ar...
04/12/95 Trong nhà hát
Spain, Summer 1813 After a campaign battle, Sharpe discovers that a group of soldiers led by Sgt. Rodd are deserting. The p...
05/14/97 Trong nhà hát
England, Summer 1814 The war is over, Napoleon is in exile on Elba, and Sharpe returns to England. He accepts a posting to...
05/15/96 Trong nhà hát
France 1813 Col. Cresson and Gen. Calvet plan to capture Wellington's intelligence chief, Maj. Gen. Ross. Gypsies are campi...
05/07/97 Trong nhà hát
Toulouse - April 1814 In the French camp, Ducos watches as Napoleon's fortune is loaded on a cart. If Toulouse falls, the ...
05/05/93 Trong nhà hát
Richard Sharpe is a scrappy Sergeant with the second Battalion of the 95th Rifles. After bravely saving the life of the Sir Arthur Wellesley (the future Duke of Wellington), Sharpe...
05/08/96 Trong nhà hát
Winter 1813 A pro-Bourbon Noble, the Compte de Maquerre is in Wellington's camp, arguing that Bordeaux is ripe for rebellio...
06/08/94 Trong nhà hát
Spain 1813 Aided by Ducos, Napoleon is considering a plan. All it will take is one death and one imprisonment, and Britain...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Bindle & Keep, a Brooklyn tailoring company, makes custom suits for a growing legion of gender-nonconforming clients.
01/01/17 Trong nhà hát
05/21/97 Trong nhà hát
France 1815 When Napoleon escapes from Elba, Sharpe is settled in Normandy with Lucille, but his sense of duty recalls him ...
11/28/14 Trong nhà hát
21世紀中葉,地球環境遭到巨大的破壞,人類文明和信仰不可遏止地崩塌。在一片亂象的關頭,名為ROC的科技公司憑藉他們研發的“朝聖者 7000”智慧機器人迅速崛起。朝聖者深入民間每一個角落,幫助人們從生到死處理身邊的一切事務。在兩條根本原則的約束下,機器人們任勞任怨,不辭辛苦,與此同時也遭遇種種殘酷無情的對待。賈克·波根(安東尼奧·班德拉斯 Antonio Ba...
01/30/37 Trong nhà hát
Frank Taylor(Humphrey Bogart)是一個工作認真的機械工人,一心努力工作想要成為車間領班,賺更多的錢讓妻子和兒子過上幸福安逸的生活。信心滿滿的Frank和眾多工友都認為他為成為新的領班,Frank也將這個即將受得提升的訊息告知了家人,不料上級最終卻將領班職位給了一個更有知識的匈牙利裔美國人。Frank對此極端不滿,內心受到極大打擊,意...