kết quả tìm kiếm 路易斯·鄧肯, ​​tổng số 1844 (mất {taketime} giây).

09/23/08 Trong nhà hát
08/16/16 Trong nhà hát
In the final days of World War II, a secret experiment to weaponize sharks is shut down and destroyed by the Third Reich. But now 60 years later, a small ocean town is plagued by a...
06/23/11 Trong nhà hát
Louis C.K. as a newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production. The series will be loosely b...
06/29/10 Trong nhà hát
Louis C.K. as a newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production. The series will be loosely b...
09/28/48 Trong nhà hát
11/13/85 Trong nhà hát
Crumb director Terry Zwigoff’s first film is a true treat: a documentary about the obscure country blues musician and idiosyncratic visual artist Howard “Louie Bluie” Armstrong, me...
10/24/07 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Hese is a 44 year old Finnish man trying to solve the paradox of wanting to be constantly on the move and to find a home to settle down. To this end, he plans to build a mobile hom...
01/01/16 Trong nhà hát
10/10/04 Trong nhà hát
Two hundred years after Mary Shelley's novel the brilliant but mad Doctor (Thomas Kretschmann) has sustained his creature and himself over two centuries through genetic experimenta...
10/15/59 Trong nhà hát
導演: 梅爾文·弗蘭克 編劇: A·I·貝贊裡特斯 / 弗蘭克·芬頓 主演: 傑夫·錢德勒 / 費斯·帕克 / 妮可·茂瑞 型別: 西部 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1959-10-15 片長: 100 分鐘...
05/26/15 Trong nhà hát
03/01/13 Trong nhà hát
來自"最後的驅魔"製作組的血腥原創恐怖作品,如果最驚悚的小說是基於真實的恐怖實驗並且有偏差怎麼說?當他因為其怪異觀點被所在大學停職後,John Venkenheim教授組織了一隊紀錄片攝製組前往北極圈邊緣地帶,不惜一切想要證明他的學術清譽。他的理論正是Mary Shelley的可怖故事”弗蘭肯斯坦“將真實歷史偽裝成了奇幻故事。在荒野草莽冰凍之地,venken...
01/01/10 Trong nhà hát
Comedian Louis C.K. gleefully transcends the boundaries of good taste in a stand-up comedy special in which no topic is sacred – including his own children. Whether ranting about i...
01/13/07 Trong nhà hát
Comedy and television star Louis C.K. returns to HBO for an hour of no-holds-barred, adults-only stand-up comedy...
09/02/16 Trong nhà hát
《路易的第九條命》是一部2016年加拿大、英國和美國合拍的超自然驚悚片,由亞歷山大·阿甲執導,並與Randy Williamson、Timothy Bricknell和麥克思·明格拉共同監製,明格拉同時也擔任編劇。電影改編自莉茲·詹森的2004年同名小說。  路易·德拉克斯是一個問題小孩...
01/01/70 Trong nhà hát
《天才貓奴畫家》(英語:The Electrical Life of Louis Wain)是一部2021年英美合拍的傳記劇情片,由威爾·夏普執導並改寫賽門·史蒂芬森(Simon Stephenson)的劇本,班奈狄克·康柏拜區、克萊兒·芙伊、安德莉亞·瑞絲柏和陶比·瓊斯主演...
01/26/13 Trong nhà hát
二戰期間,名叫迪米特里(Alexander Mercury 飾)的莫斯科電影學院研究生有幸接到偉大領袖斯大林同志的命令,以戰地攝影師的身份跟隨諾維科夫(Robert Gwilym 飾)率領的偵查連隊奔赴前線。他的鏡頭中記錄了戰士們閒暇的瞬間以及戰場上激烈交戰的情景,當然也有這些在戰爭洗禮中喪失人性的士兵罪惡獸性的一面。在一個天寒地凍的時節,偵察連隊接到代號熊...
11/25/15 Trong nhà hát
由20世紀福克斯公司拍攝的新版《科學怪人》,詹姆斯·麥卡沃伊出演男主角維克托-弗蘭肯斯坦,丹尼爾·雷德克里夫出演維克托的助手Igor,傑西卡·布朗·芬德利飾演女主角。影片將由保羅·麥奎根(《神探夏洛克》《天王流氓》導演)執導,Max Landis(《超能失控》編劇)負責劇本。
11/16/12 Trong nhà hát
全片以美國第十六屆總統林肯領導美國北方贏得南北戰爭爲背景,敘述林肯遇刺身亡前最後四個月的心路歷程。以及其在南北戰爭中堅持廢除奴隸制度所付出的心血轉折。 正值美國南北戰爭時期的1865年,亦發生美國史上最爲慘烈的戰役。在即將步入1866年之際,當選美國第16屆總統的林肯即將面臨此生最重的危機,他必須與國會中爭吵連連且各懷鬼胎的議員們進行協調事宜,他的最大...