kết quả tìm kiếm 《死神》, ​​tổng số 2757 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/01/21 Trong nhà hát
01/01/16 Trong nhà hát
导演: 陈思言 编剧: 陈思言 主演: 张冠群 / 王天宇 / 赵汗青 / 刘秋实 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2016年12月28日 死神来了之空瞳画师...
04/11/09 Trong nhà hát
A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worst for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awai...
08/12/11 Trong nhà hát
某公司組織一次遠遊,雖然員工們各懷心事,不過他們還是踏上了歡樂的旅途。在經過一座巨大的吊橋時,年輕人山姆(Nicholas D'Agosto 飾)突然看到幻象,幻象中大橋開始垮塌,包括他、同事、朋友在內無數人在這起事故中遇難。當他從幻象中醒來時,周邊的種種跡象表明那場災難即將到來。慌亂之中,他和朱莉(艾瑪·貝爾 Emma Bell 飾)、皮特(Miles F...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
03/23/34 Trong nhà hát
04/25/08 Trong nhà hát
影片由四個小故事組成。 因為車禍而行動不便的女孩通過簡訊與一素未謀面的男孩交往甚密,她將自拍發給男孩,並向男孩索要照片,手機嗡嗡的震動著,男孩發給她的照片上,女孩看到的究竟是什麼?男孩生來性格內向懦弱,這成為了同學欺負他的最佳理由。一開始只是玩笑般的打鬧,但逐漸的,欺負步步升級。男孩忍無...
01/14/94 Trong nhà hát
New York's garment district has turns into Dodge City when mobster Tommy O'Shea muscles in on the fashion trade of his ex-wife Olivia Regent. Olivia is engaged to Paul Kersey, who ...
11/17/72 Trong nhà hát
Valentina, a beautiful fashion model, takes an experimental drug as part of a scientific experiment. While influenced by the drug, Valentina has a vision of a young woman being bru...
01/01/12 Trong nhà hát
Filming in Los Angeles right now (despite the 100-mile-per-hour winds) is the latest fear flick from Full Moon pictures lovingly titled The Dead Want Women, and we've got the first...
04/30/08 Trong nhà hát
雙瞳的凝視穿透你靈魂深處 雙手的觸碰亦令你窒息 千葉(金城武飾)一個永遠一出現就下雨的神祕男子,隱藏在傘下不問世事超然的面孔,正在觀察他的案主,在七天觀察期後,即將決定他/她的生死。他的職業是-死神,即將在人間執行三個案件。 命運悲慘的27歲客服部OL 從小惡運纏身,未婚夫因車禍去世,對人生喪失希望數度自殺的客服部OL藤木一惠(小西真奈美飾)近來又被不明男子...
04/11/08 Trong nhà hát
《獵殺死神 The Deaths of Ian Stone》是由達里奧·皮亞納(Dario Piana)執導的2007年英美恐怖片。電影由邁克·沃格爾和克里斯蒂娜·科爾主演。故事以居住在英國的美國人伊恩·斯通(Vogel)爲中心,他每天都被神祕生物殺死。然後,他進入了一個新的存在,沒有意識到自己的前世。...
03/08/68 Trong nhà hát
《死神騎馬來 Da uomo a uomo》是一部1967年拍攝的義大利式西部片,由朱利歐·彼得羅尼執導,盧西亞諾·文森佐尼編劇,李·範·克里夫與約翰·菲利普·勞主演。該電影現已進入公有領域。 在他的眼前,一個小男孩看着一個小幫派的殘酷襲擊突襲了他卑微的家,強姦並屠殺了...
09/16/08 Trong nhà hát
01/01/09 Trong nhà hát
After the departure of Rube Sofer, a new head reaper named Cameron Kane takes over. He's a slick businessman who couldn't care less about helping the newly dead. Chaos ensues and b...
12/30/64 Trong nhà hát
A woman is accused of witchcraft and put to death. Her older daughter knows the real reason is the lord's sexual desire for her. She confronts him as is also killed. A younger daug...