kết quả tìm kiếm 《熱舞17》, ​​tổng số 866 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/28/05 Trong nhà hát
追尋深藏心中的夢想,這是最後一次機會…… 七年前,世界知名的紐約舞蹈團,遭逢了極大的打擊,因為他們失去了其中最具傑出的藝術指導亞歷麥葛拉﹝Alex McGrath﹞,也等於失去了他們的創意支柱,同時,舞團內並無人有能耐接下他的工作。這意味著舞團的結束之日即將到來。 亞歷留下了一段從未發表的舞作,七年後,紐約舞蹈團覺得應該藉著發表這齣舞作,趁機使舞團再次團結。...
04/02/04 Trong nhà hát
《17歲的天空 Formula 17》,是一部2004年的臺灣同性戀浪漫喜劇電影,由陳映蓉導演。演員有楊祐寧、Duncan、金勤、季宏全、楊竣閔和張大鏞。楊祐寧於本片獲第41屆金馬獎最佳新演員。 影片由晶瑩透徹的水底開始。美少年小天(楊祐寧 飾)一躍入鏡,自在悠遊。然後,另一健壯男子躍入,背向鏡頭,泳姿熟練曼妙。小天尾隨,尋找另一半身影,但男子的臉卻始...
04/30/09 Trong nhà hát
《回到17歲》,是一部上映在2009年美國喜劇電影,由伯爾·史緹爾執導,柴克·艾弗隆首部主演非歌舞片型別電影。監製亞當·夏克曼是繼《髮膠明星夢》後,與柴克·艾弗隆再度合作。北美地區於2009年4月17日首映,首周開出兩千四百一十萬美元票房,創下全美當周票房冠軍;而香港和臺灣於4月30日上映。 誰說...
01/01/10 Trong nhà hát
01/01/13 Trong nhà hát
. 전설의 백넘버 17번인 러시아의 위대한 하키 선수 발레리 할라모프의 생애를 다룬 작품이다. 특히, 영화는 1972년 몬트리올에서 열린 소련과 캐나다의 친선대회인 ‘서미트 시리즈’에서 캐나다팀을 이기고 역사적인 결승 시리즈의 주역이 되었던 이야기를 다룬다. (주한 러시아 대사관 제공)
07/07/18 Trong nhà hát
Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt...
08/02/97 Trong nhà hát
人気DJとの出会いを経て大人への一歩を踏み出した少年の姿を通して、少年期のイノセンスとの訣別を描いた青春映画。「氷の微笑」「ショーガール」などのハリウッドの売れっ子脚本家ジョー・エスターハスの自伝的なオリジナル脚本を、「ベビーシッター」のガイ・ファーランドの監督で映画化。製作は「ショーガール」のベン・マイロンと「バッフィ ザ・バンパイア・キラー」のフラン・ル...
10/10/11 Trong nhà hát
Inspired by events that took place in Massachusetts, Delphine and Muriel Coulin's provocative debut focuses on a group of bored teenage girls who all make an irrevocable pact. When...
05/29/53 Trong nhà hát
08/01/14 Trong nhà hát
The Slednecks crew was once again up to their usual antics of destruction. Brett Turcotte and Chris Burandt hit the southern hemisphere in August to explore new lands, new cultures...
08/27/15 Trong nhà hát
Carnotstraat 17 is a feature documentary looking more closely into the effect on someone’s identity through migration.
03/18/23 Trong nhà hát
縦型マンガの画面構成で、登場する実写の俳優に声優がアテレコをした、「縦型マンガ×声優アテレコ×実写人物」の異色な組み合わせで作られた実験的短編作品。偶然にタイムリープの能力を身に着けた女子高生を主人公に描く青春系SFストーリー。 小説家を目指す17歳の女子高生・七色は、混雑した駅の階段から落ちたことをきっかけに「1秒だけタイムリープ」できる能力を獲得する。...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Matteo is a 17-year-old boy who comes to the realization that he is in love with Don Massimo, a young priest of the village that leads the marching band in which Matteo plays the d...
10/30/13 Trong nhà hát
“17 Seconds” provides an all-access pass inside the Blackhawks locker room party in Boston and the airplane ride home with the Cup following Game 6, in addition to insight from the...
03/29/23 Trong nhà hát
Mickey 17 is an "expendable", a disposable employee on a human expedition sent to colonise the ice world Niflheim. After one iteration of Mickey dies, a new body is regenerated wit...
03/06/09 Trong nhà hát
只要我愛你,只要音樂還響著,我們就繼續跳舞吧! 一對幸福美滿的夫妻,某天突然用光了所有的好運,他們試著尋回那遺失的幸福… 很遠、很遠的鄉間小鎮,那裡的大人像孩子般的天真快樂,對平凡生活充滿異常瘋狂的熱情,執著於難以理解的蒜皮小事,如果你想笑他們無聊幼稚,他們會開心跟你說聲謝謝。費歐娜與多明是鎮上最幸福甜蜜的模範夫妻,他們白天在小學裡教書,熱衷於以不含惡意的心...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
型別: 劇情 / 懸疑 / 驚悚 製片國家/地區: 加拿大 上映日期: 7-20 IMDb連結: tt3295240
10/15/21 Trong nhà hát
《17歲的天空 Formula 17》,是一部2004年的臺灣同性戀浪漫喜劇電影,由陳映蓉導演。演員有楊祐寧、Williams、金勤、季宏全、楊竣閔和張大鏞。楊祐寧於本片獲第41屆金馬獎最佳新演員。  電影《17歲的天空》描述天真憨直的周小天(楊祐寧 飾)隻身北上和他的Mr. Right碰面,最後卻落得美夢幻滅,無處可去的小天只好投靠心地善良...
01/01/09 Trong nhà hát
A teenager is accused of murdering a classmate and claims that she was framed by her best friend. Her mother must try to find the truth.