kết quả tìm kiếm 下之坊正道, ​​tổng số 5755 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
After an alcohol induced blacked-out night of drinking, Teddy discovers he has severely beaten his wife, Molly. As he attempts to redeem himself to her she must decide whether or n...
01/15/21 Trong nhà hát
《黑道之家 The Take》黑道之家是一部英國電視劇,改編自瑪蒂娜·科爾的同名小說,講述了出獄的弗雷迪·傑克遜的家庭與黑道中猜疑與背叛的故事。 本劇在都柏林拍攝,由4集組成,於2009年在天空第一臺播出。 本節目受到了評論界的喝彩,主要是由於湯姆·哈迪對反社會人格障礙者弗雷迪·傑克遜的表演。 ...
03/13/09 Trong nhà hát
《隧道之鼠 Tunnel Rats》也稱爲1968隧道鼠,是由烏韋·波爾(Uwe Boll)執導並執導的2008年德加戰爭懸念電影。這部電影是根據越南戰爭期間地道鼠的事實職責拍攝的。 越南戰爭期間(1959-1975),一支美軍小分隊奉命去阻擊越共戰士,在叢林隧道里,美軍敢死隊與越南士兵展開了殊死戰鬥……
04/11/08 Trong nhà hát
鈕承澤: “我拿到350萬輔導金,我決定拍一部電影…” • 這樣的城市 你快樂嗎? 快樂是什麼?快樂就是拍一部自己爽的KUSO電影 惡搞臺灣政客 帶你進入快樂的天堂! • 拍電影?是理想還是災難? 是拉皮條?嗑藥?還是搞車震? 真實度100%,帶你走進臺灣演藝圈的驚人內幕! • 劈腿 背叛 不忠 … 真相揭開的那刻 是解脫還是痛苦的開始? 原汁原味 體驗一場...
12/23/15 Trong nhà hát
《道士出山3外星古墓》 是由北京淘夢網路科技有限責任公司、北京暢聊天下科技有限公司聯合出品,淘夢發行。張濤執導,王修澤、金梓壑、王佳宇領銜主演的恐怖懸疑片。 《道士出山3》分為上下兩部。 ...
05/17/12 Trong nhà hát
在白家,誰的話都不算數,唯有金錢,被看做是至高無上的統治者。作為屋子裡的女主人,白金玉(尹汝貞 飾)除了不斷的想著法子往兜裡撈錢外,還和自己年輕的男祕書英作(金康宇 飾)行著苟且之事,除了對金錢的無限慾望外,白金玉對於肉慾的渴求也似乎沒有止境。對於夫人的不忠,尹會長(白允植 飾)完全不放在心上,對於他來說,只要有錢,其他的一切都阻止不了他前進的腳步。 ...
07/15/14 Trong nhà hát
草根縣令伍四六奉命到遼東清河赴任,趕上特大荒旱,他 在千方百計解救災民的同時與貪官汙吏展開鬥爭,為了揭 露金知府夥同廉親王侵吞朝廷救災銀兩之惡行,伍知縣冒 死給皇上送去了“請罪奏摺”,懲治了貪官。...                        
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
                          影片主要講述末罰兵團為對抗邪惡組織“羅剎”,解救被困人質,派出一支精幹部隊前往“羅剎”基地。隊長白炙帶領美女隊員們空降在“羅剎”基地附近,並與之展開殊死搏鬥。                                                          女人之間的鬥爭永遠比男人精彩,俗話...
10/15/92 Trong nhà hát
The Heart of Justice, is a 1992 television film starring Eric Stoltz, Jennifer Connelly, Dermot Mulroney and Dennis Hopper. It was Vincent Price's final acting role before his deat...
01/01/18 Trong nhà hát
Train policeman He hopes that a autopsy of the body can help to find the real culprit and the true cause of his Death. Can the rising morning sun bring also light in the darkness o...
01/01/70 Trong nhà hát
The struggles of a low-ranking samurai (Nakamura) coming to terms with the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the end of Japan's feudal age with the 1868 Restoration.
11/10/23 Trong nhà hát
第34回柴田錬三郎賞を受賞した朝井リョウの同名ベストセラー小説を、稲垣吾郎と新垣結衣の共演で映画化。「あゝ、荒野」の監督・岸善幸と脚本家・港岳彦が再タッグを組み、家庭環境、性的指向、容姿などさまざまな“選べない”背景を持つ人々の人生が、ある事件をきっかけに交差する姿を描く。 横浜に暮らす検事の寺井啓喜は、不登校になった息子の教育方針をめぐり妻と衝突を繰り返...
05.04 Trong nhà hát
Based on true events, this film reveals a little-known truth about residential care homes for the disabled that hides beneath the headlines. A news organization’s investigative jou...
06/19/09 Trong nhà hát
"The terrorist in my body has been found." - Amy Tan, bestselling author In the early 1970's, a mysterious new ailment was ...
04/07/15 Trong nhà hát
The chief mercenary for the British East India Company, being double crossed by his former employer, has made his way to the American Colonies. Working to redeem his name, William ...
11/09/12 Trong nhà hát
小女兒意外身亡,馬克·休斯(祖舒華·克洛斯 Joshua Close 飾)帶著妻子瑪麗(塞爾瑪·布萊爾 Selma Blair 飾)、兒子布蘭登(奎恩·羅德 Quinn Lord 飾)驅車來到位於偏遠山間的私宅,試圖讓短暫的假期彌合心頭的傷口。不過他們的寧靜很快被鄰居薩卡斯基一家打破。相對於依然沉浸在悲傷中且有些疏離冷漠的休斯夫婦,薩卡斯基家的男主人鮑比(詹...
01/22/16 Trong nhà hát
As a mother and daughter struggle to cope with the terrors of the post-revolution, war torn Tehran of the 80s, a mysterious evil begins to haunt their home. ...
10/30/15 Trong nhà hát
紀錄片花一年時間拍攝,導演 Vitaliy Manskiy 與攝製隊兩次到訪平壤,全程有「保鏢」陪伴。與五位女學生進行10分鐘面試後,Vitaliy Manskiy 找來8歲女孩辛美(Zin Mi)做女主角,紀錄她加入先鋒運動、慶祝已故最高領導人金正日生辰的光明星節等點滴。 http:/...
05/13/16 Trong nhà hát
The Sandy Hook massacre was considered a watershed moment in the national debate on gun control, but the body count at the hands of gun violence has only increased. Through the len...
01/06/12 Trong nhà hát
After watching their best friend get murdered, a group of teens struggle to expose a local hero as the vicious killer and keep from becoming his next victims.