kết quả tìm kiếm 鄧斯特, ​​tổng số 2040 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
James D. Cooper拍攝的紀錄片,關於導演Christopher Stamp和Kit Lambert怎麼創造搖滾傳奇The Who樂隊。有抱負的電影人Christopher Stamp和Kit Lambert本來計劃拍攝一部地下電影,主題是關於戰後倫敦年輕人如何表達不滿的情緒。這是兩人初次合作,兩人的靈感來源於1960年代初倫敦迅速發展的青年文化。...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
A mysterious gangster goes on the rampage in Amsterdam, stopping at nothing to uncover those who have betrayed him. Now it is up to CIA Agent Martin Keele, to stop him. ...
01/15/10 Trong nhà hát
導演: Mark Baldo 型別: 動畫 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2010-01-15 IMDb連結: tt1640145
09/11/16 Trong nhà hát
The film follows a mountain man on the run from authorities who survives the winter by breaking into empty vacation homes. He's haunted by a recurring dream of being lost at sea an...
01/01/18 Trong nhà hát
05/27/14 Trong nhà hát
Documentary telling the intimate but explosive story about the man behind the greatest fraud in recent sporting history, a portrait of a man who stopped at nothing in pursuit of mo...
01/14/70 Trong nhà hát
導演: Daniel Haller 編劇: 柯蒂斯·漢森 / 亨利·羅森鮑姆 / Ronald Silkosky / H.P.洛夫克拉夫特 主演: 桑德拉·狄 / 迪恩·斯托克維爾 / 埃德·貝格利 型別: 恐怖 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 ...
05/22/88 Trong nhà hát
“鱷魚”鄧迪二世是1988年的喜劇電影,也是《鱷魚鄧迪》電影的第二部。這是鱷魚鄧迪(1986)的續集,其次是洛杉磯的鱷魚鄧迪(2001)。演員保羅·霍根( Paul Hogan)和琳達·科茲洛夫斯基( Linda Kozlowski)分別扮演米克·鄧迪( Mick...
01/01/41 Trong nhà hát
Deng Nan-Guang’s 57-minute collection of intimate home-style videos, filmed between 1935 and 1941, captures an overlooked side of Taiwanese life under Japanese occupation. The film...
10/11/13 Trong nhà hát
09/20/13 Trong nhà hát
A BELFAST STORY explores life after terrorism. Set in a city which has weathered hundreds of years of hatred, 30 years of bombs, and a war without winners, just victims. A new era ...
09/02/13 Trong nhà hát
12/17/65 Trong nhà hát
導演: Aleksandr Rou 編劇: Nikolay Erdman / 米哈伊爾·沃利平 主演: Aleksandr Khvylya / Natalya Sedykh / Eduard Izotov 型別: 喜劇 / 愛情 / 家庭 / 奇幻 製片國家/地區: 蘇聯 ...
06/17/60 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
“I met a woman. She said that she is Belfast, the city in Northern Ireland where I grew up. The woman said that she’s as old as the city,” states Mark Cousins at the beginning of h...
10/15/16 Trong nhà hát
英國手繪動畫電影,改編自Raymond Briggs以其父母真實人生為故事所繪的獲獎和暢銷繪本,講述Raymond Briggs的父母,一對普通英國夫婦從1928年初遇相愛到1971年相繼離世的故事,日子隨男主人的髮際線一起消逝,一生平淡無奇但相守終生溫情動人,同時也是一部英國編年史,期間穿插著不少的歷史事件。 ...
09/28/01 Trong nhà hát
在父親去世後,鮑比(安東·尤金 Anton Yelchin 飾)覺得自己不會再快樂了,尤其是11歲生日那天,他那刻薄而又小氣的母親居然只給了他一張免費的圖書卡作為禮物的那一刻。但自從那個名叫泰德(安東尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 飾)房客出現在了他的生命中後,一切開始變得不同起來。 ...
05/29/20 Trong nhà hát
09/09/64 Trong nhà hát
故事梗概: 鄉村警察奎少接到了上級調令,被派往聖·特羅佩茲市的警察局工作。奎少帶著女兒來到了城市,一切都令他們感到新鮮,因此也鬧出不少笑話。 ...
05/11/10 Trong nhà hát
The town of Westbrick is a rough place to live in. It is here that the young rookie cop Matthew lives with his wife. Meanwhile, notorious serial killers Billy and Barbara embark on...