kết quả tìm kiếm 丹尼懷爾德, ​​tổng số 1492 (mất {taketime} giây).

09/04/11 Trong nhà hát
10/21/11 Trong nhà hát
STOCKHOLM ÖSTRA är en kärlekshistoria mellan två främlingar, förenade av en händelse som tagit hårt på deras respektive liv och förhållanden. När Johan (Mikael Persbrandt) och Anna...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
本片揭示了肯尼迪以及刺殺他的李·哈維·奧斯瓦爾德在1963年被刺殺的祕密。 Killing Oswald explores the mystery of how and why John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Osw...
11/04/05 Trong nhà hát
On September 11th 1973, Salvador Allende's democratically elected government was ousted by a United States-backed coup that resulted in Allende's death, and left the country in the...
09/15/17 Trong nhà hát
A retired film star's wedding to her fourth husband brings chaos when their families (and her ex-husband) show up for the festivities.by:youtu9.com Screens...
12/29/20 Trong nhà hát
《陰宅瓦德馬爾 La herencia Valdemar》是由何塞·路易斯·阿萊曼(JoséLuisAlemán)執導的西班牙電影,這是他的處女作,也是演員保羅·納西奇(Paul Naschy)的遺腹電影。它基於HP Lovecraft的虛構世界(稱爲“克蘇魯神話”...
04/16/15 Trong nhà hát
《 Adderall Diaries》是2015年美國犯罪驚悚片,由帕梅拉·羅曼諾夫斯基(Pamela Romanowsky)執導並改編,改編自史蒂芬·埃利奧特(Stephen Elliott)的同名真實犯罪回憶錄。潛在的真實犯罪是Karl Reiser謀殺案。這部電影由詹姆斯·佛朗哥(James Franco),埃...
08/27/99 Trong nhà hát
雖然從小就生活在曼斯菲爾德莊園中,但這裏的一切卻無法讓範妮(弗蘭西絲·奧康納 Frances O'Connor 飾)感到一絲親切。寄人籬下的身份讓年幼的她飽嘗了人情的冷暖,好在有善良的埃德蒙德(約翰·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 飾)的關心和陪伴,範妮才得以保留心中那一塊小小的淨土。才華橫溢的範妮喜歡通過文字來記錄內心的所想所感,成爲一名作家是...
01/01/97 Trong nhà hát
01/01/00 Trong nhà hát
01/12/83 Trong nhà hát
◎ 簡介: 波蘭導演瓦依達將法國大革命時期的兩個英雄人物搬上銀幕,他們是丹東與羅伯斯庇爾,他們本來是一起分享革命勝利的革命派,卻無奈因為理想的不同而分道揚鑣,後來更成為夙敵。以羅伯斯庇爾為首的公安委員會,為了鎮壓反革命暴亂和打擊投機分子,實行恐怖...
07/06/16 Trong nhà hát
The Sports biographical drama on indian-haryana based boxer Sultan Ali Khan.                        
01/01/10 Trong nhà hát
一個一事無成的農民,在國家存亡的關鍵時刻挺身而出,他要以一己之力保衛家國。不過暈乎乎的他能成麼? ·影片的導演愛德華·麥克亨利和羅裡·麥克亨利是兄弟倆。這是他們第一次拍攝動畫長片。 ·麥克亨利家族的父親,大衛·麥克亨...
07/10/12 Trong nhà hát
In the past few years, American actress Eliza Dushku, who is of mixed Danish and Albanian ancestry, has become passionately interested in and connected to the country of her father...
01/01/11 Trong nhà hát
This past May, Neil Young brought his solo tour to Toronto’s Massey Hall, an iconic venue in the city of his birth.
04/27/06 Trong nhà hát
A television actor (Andy Dick) drinks too much and gets blackballed from the industry, and then he decides to break back in by directing his own movie. Eventually, he gets sober, a...
10/19/18 Trong nhà hát
魯伯特艾瑞特首度自導自演之作。故事描述奧斯卡王爾德出獄後的晚年,一個快樂王子與晚年悲劇人生的交織。 電影從王爾德獲釋後,在巴黎身無分文又受病痛纏身,因不被祝福的戀情,在19世紀末一夕之間失去了所有名聲甚至鋃鐺入獄。 獲釋後卻受病情所苦,自我放逐在法國與義大利期間,重返人生重要地點,快樂與痛苦的回憶都環繞著他。 你我都潛藏著快樂王子的厭世情懷 看他是如何以輕盈...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
In far northern Sweden, Eskil is always moving with his father from place to place. He longs for his mother in Denmark, where it’s also warmer. Great that the eccentric Trinidad is...
09/18/14 Trong nhà hát
SJ-1156 懷中祈禱 ☆德國超大尺度小說《潮溼地帶》(此前已改編為電影)作者第二部限制級同名小說改編,依舊重口依舊情慾糾結,講述鍾情於性冒險的年輕女人試圖成為完美的妻子、母親和情人