kết quả tìm kiếm 孔侑, ​​tổng số 49 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/11/60 Trong nhà hát
《沒有面孔的眼睛》(法文: Les Yeux sans Visage)是1960年由喬治·弗蘭朱( Georges Franju)共同執導和導演,由皮埃爾·布拉瑟( Pierre Brasseur)和阿麗達·瓦利( Alida Valli)主演的電影,改編自讓·雷...
01/20/09 Trong nhà hát
針孔旅社續集 將回到首集男女主角在旅社中所看到的影帶內容而在影帶中的受害者會遭到如何的下場...
10/24/60 Trong nhà hát
Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
01/01/89 Trong nhà hát
The story starts out at a dig in lake Biwa where archaeologist may have discovered something hidden by the 6th king of evil. The evil king is resurrected and is trying to resurrect...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
The action-packed Spirit Warrior saga draws to a thrilling close with this horrific tale of a once-famous actress possessed by an entity determined to attain her true power and unl...
01/01/66 Trong nhà hát
04/22/00 Trong nhà hát
柯南在街頭目睹一名正打電話的警察在雨中被射殺,忙將凶手追蹤,但凶手逃脫。死者閉眼一刻緊抓左胸,似乎有所暗示。事後柯南從目暮警官口中瞭解到緊抓左胸是暗示那裡有警察手冊。不久又有警察手拿警察手冊被人射殺於地下車庫。對於這兩起案件,目暮警官等人一反常態不願向毛利小五郎及柯南透露太多資訊。毛利不甘心進一步追問,白鳥警官只答一句“Need not to know”。該...
01/16/95 Trong nhà hát