kết quả tìm kiếm 梅麗爾·斯特里普, ​​tổng số 3404 (mất {taketime} giây).

06/29/17 Trong nhà hát
劇情講述,在佛像工廠擔任夜間警衛的菜埔(莊益增 飾),每天最重要的工作就是深夜幫董仔啟文(戴立忍 飾)開大門,他撿破爛的換帖兄弟肚財(陳竹昇 飾)平時沒事就會來這裡看電視卡唬爛。那天凌晨雨很大,肚財帶著快要過期的咖哩飯來找菜埔,偏偏電視又壞掉,肚財聽人家說有錢人的世界都是彩色的,於是慫恿菜埔拿出董仔的行車紀錄器看看有沒有養眼的東西。 但2人也從一個單純享受情...
04/06/17 Trong nhà hát
Teleios,也稱為《迷航跋涉》,是美國科幻電影,由伊恩·特魯特納( Ian Truitner)執導和執導。電影明星森尼·馬布裡,蘭斯百老匯,邁克爾·努裡,TJ·霍本,邁克爾·夏農·詹金斯,克里斯蒂安·彼得雷,烏蘇拉米爾斯和Weetus CREN,並...
09/17/11 Trong nhà hát
01/01/09 Trong nhà hát
Written and directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza, the film stars Marko Zaror as ” a young hitman who will not relent until he has exacted bloody revenge on the man who killed his moth...
08/11/83 Trong nhà hát
型別: 劇情 / 家庭 / 傳記 / 歷史 / 運動 製片國家/地區: 澳大利亞 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1983-08-11 片長: USA: 107 分鐘 IMDb連結: tt0086102
09/20/13 Trong nhà hát
A BELFAST STORY explores life after terrorism. Set in a city which has weathered hundreds of years of hatred, 30 years of bombs, and a war without winners, just victims. A new era ...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
“I met a woman. She said that she is Belfast, the city in Northern Ireland where I grew up. The woman said that she’s as old as the city,” states Mark Cousins at the beginning of h...
10/15/16 Trong nhà hát
英國手繪動畫電影,改編自Raymond Briggs以其父母真實人生為故事所繪的獲獎和暢銷繪本,講述Raymond Briggs的父母,一對普通英國夫婦從1928年初遇相愛到1971年相繼離世的故事,日子隨男主人的髮際線一起消逝,一生平淡無奇但相守終生溫情動人,同時也是一部英國編年史,期間穿插著不少的歷史事件。 ...
01/21/16 Trong nhà hát
Winner of the Audience Award at the Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival (OUTFEST), this heartwarming drama is a love letter to the dream of a teenager. Miles is a high school student fr...
12/27/15 Trong nhà hát
An expert at sleight of hand and with a keen eye for identifying charlatans and tricksters, our story begins as Harry has fallen on hard times in recent years, professionally and e...
11/18/83 Trong nhà hát
故事改編自以撒辛格的短篇小說,描述猶太人女子楊朵在二十世紀初的東歐為了追求夢想而女扮男裝求學的故事。 在20世紀初,家住東歐的猶太女孩燕特爾非常好學,但當地的風俗禁止女孩上學,於是她只好女扮男裝。在學校,有一個男生跟她很要好,但他倆的關係涉及到性取向錯亂的議題。
05/11/10 Trong nhà hát
The town of Westbrick is a rough place to live in. It is here that the young rookie cop Matthew lives with his wife. Meanwhile, notorious serial killers Billy and Barbara embark on...
01/23/16 Trong nhà hát
講述上世紀70年代電視記者Christine Chubbuck的生平。
12/14/11 Trong nhà hát
《歇斯底里 Hysteria》是由Tanya Wexler執導的2011年英國時期浪漫喜劇電影。影片由休·丹西(Hugh Dancy)和瑪姬·吉倫哈爾(Maggie Gyllenhaal)飾演,菲利西蒂·瓊斯(Felicity Jones),喬納森·普賴斯(Jonathan Pryce)和魯珀特&mid...
03/14/14 Trong nhà hát
09/02/12 Trong nhà hát
06/06/12 Trong nhà hát
2012/6/6(三)早場起 探索人類起源 可能自取滅亡 今年暑假,叱吒好萊塢多年並以產量與質量備受肯定與尊重的大導演雷利史考特,回歸由他立下典範的科幻動作冒險型別,即將打造一部具史詩氣勢的現代神話《普羅米修斯》,以高質感3D帶領觀眾經歷一場壯闊的探險! 一群探險家進行太空探測時,發現了地球人類起源的線索,進而引領他們直探宇宙最黑暗的角落。為了整體人類未來的...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
本片圍繞響譽盛名的Muscle Shoals錄音室展開,這裡曾見證無數六七十年代經典音樂的誕生。
07/22/13 Trong nhà hát
pringsteen & I is an upcoming documentary-biographical film directed by Baillie Walsh documenting the life and career of Bruce Springsteen through the eyes and insights of his fans...
09/30/20 Trong nhà hát
特斯拉是2020年美國傳記 劇的編劇和導演電影邁克爾·阿爾米里達。它把伊桑·霍克飾演尼古拉·特斯拉。伊芙·休森( Eve Hewson),埃邦·莫斯·巴赫拉赫( Ebon Moss-Bachrach),吉姆·加菲根( Ji...