kết quả tìm kiếm Bachchan, ​​tổng số 6 (mất {taketime} giây).

03/18/22 Trong nhà hát
A budding director tries to research a merciless gangster for making a film on gangster-ism. But his secret attempts to conduct the research fail when he gets caught for snooping.
03/18/22 Trong nhà hát
A budding director tries to research a merciless gangster for making a film on gangster-ism. But his secret attempts to conduct the research fail when he gets caught for snooping. ...
09/23/14 Trong nhà hát
2014 film directed by Raja Chanda, starring Jeet and Aindrita Ray.
01/01/12 Trong nhà hát
03/18/22 Trong nhà hát
07/06/12 Trong nhà hát
生活在德里的阿巴斯由於父親的遺產被叔父非法剝奪,毅然帶著妹妹去熱那克普小鎮尋找機遇。機緣使然,他在當地的村中霸王普利特維拉身邊找到一個待遇優厚的工作,卻因為之前打破了與鄰村之間封閉的神廟門鎖而不得不對他的“老闆”普利特維拉謊稱姓名。然而普利特維拉嫉“謊”如仇,阿巴斯為了圓謊,謊話一個又一個被編造出來,上演了一個有一個啼笑皆非的小鬧劇。 ...