kết quả tìm kiếm Bhaag Milkha, ​​tổng số 5 (mất {taketime} giây).

06/13/14 Trong nhà hát
Chal Bhaag kickstarts with an MLA being murdered by three shooters. The incident coincides with the arresting of Munna, Bunty and Daler for their small time crimes.
07/12/13 Trong nhà hát
The true story of the "Flying Sikh" world champion runner and Olympian Milkha Singh who overcame the massacre of his family, civil war during the India-Pakistan partition, and home...
09/25/15 Trong nhà hát
Blackmailed into murdering, a casanova is presented with the opportunity of living two lives. One in which he commits the crime and the other in which he refuses and goes on the ru...
07/12/13 Trong nhà hát
1960年,羅馬奧運會的田徑賽場上,四百米賽跑世界紀錄保持者米哈·辛格(法拉汗·阿赫塔爾 Farhan Akhtar 飾)站在起跑線上,肩負著為祖國印度贏得該專案第一枚金牌的重任。而當人們歡呼吶喊之際,卻鮮少有人能透徹回望米哈一路成長起來的跌宕人生路。1954年米哈應徵入伍,首次接觸400米田徑。不諳世事的他,朝著那套神聖的國家隊制服全力奔跑。而伴隨著戰火、...