kết quả tìm kiếm Conference Call, ​​tổng số 8 (mất {taketime} giây).

07/31/14 Trong nhà hát
An IT ant-worker in a small solitary office is forced to attend a boring conference call and finds abnormal ways of amusing himself while tuning out the phone call.
01/01/11 Trong nhà hát
01/01/16 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
After the forced suicide of Nobunaga Oda at the Incident at Honnō-ji, powerful figures Katsuie Shibata (Koji Yakusho), Hideyoshi Toyotomi (Yo Oizumi), Nagahide Niwa (Fumiyo Kohinat...
12/27/13 Trong nhà hát
橫跨古今 爾虞我詐的心機大戰一觸即發 充滿笑聲與驚喜的劇情,喜劇大導三谷幸喜打造史無前例的古裝娛樂大作! 一代英雄織田信長死後,部下兩大勢力展開政治鬥爭,羽柴秀吉(大泉洋飾)與柴田勝家(役所廣司飾)不但水火不容,這兩人還同時愛慕著信長的妹妹。為決定織田家的繼承人,展開撼動日本歷史命運的「清須會議」。一開始柴田勝家被看好最有勝算,但羽柴秀吉卻一副胸有成竹的樣子...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Hosted by Ahmed Ahmed and Avi Liberman| "Bridging the Gap" is a showcase of today's funniest Jewish and Muslim comics together for the first time on one stage forthe Showtime Netwo...
01/01/99 Trong nhà hát
Reportage about the visit that the delegates to the First Peace Conference at The Hague made to the floral parade in Haarlem. [...] Although the original goal – a treaty on disarma...