kết quả tìm kiếm Hunt, ​​tổng số 119 (mất {taketime} giây).

08/25/22 Trong nhà hát
A spy movie based in the 1980s National Security Planning.
09/01/22 Trong nhà hát
EXPOSE THE MOLE WITHIN THE AGENCY CAN THE ‘HUNTED’ BECOME THE ‘HUNTER’? After a high-ranking North Korean official requests asylum, KCIA Foreign Unit chief Park Pyong-ho (LEE Jung ...
01/01/79 Trong nhà hát
導演: Michael Schultz 編劇: Steven Vail 主演: 理查德·本傑明 / 詹姆斯·可可 / 斯加特克羅索斯 / 魯思·戈登 / 克勞斯·利特曼 / 克力文·李託 / 羅迪·麥克道爾 / 羅伯特·莫利 / 託尼·蘭德爾 型別: 喜劇 製片國家/地區: 美...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
06/23/18 Trong nhà hát
Two bears head to gather blueberries for breakfast – but first they have to deal with hiccups.
04/05/15 Trong nhà hát
A group of young boys and girls in a battle to collect the most eggs on Easter.
08/10/22 Trong nhà hát
. 조직 내 숨어든 스파이를 색출하라!  `사냥꾼`이 될 것인가, `사냥감`이 될 것인가!  망명을 신청한 북한 고위 관리를 통해 정보를 입수한 안기부 해외팀 `박평호`(이정재)와 국내팀 `김정도`(정우성)는 조직 내 숨어든 스파이 `동림` 색출 작전을 시작한다.스파이를 통해 일급 기밀사항들이 유출되어 위기를 맞게 되자...
09/01/22 Trong nhà hát
หลังจากที่ผู้นำระดับสูงของเกาหลีเหนือขอลี้ภัย หัวหน้าฝ่ายกิจการต่างประเทศของหน่วยสืบราชการลับเกาหลีใต้ พัค พยองโฮ (อีจองแจ) และ ผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายกิจการภายในประเทศ คิมจองโด (จองอูซอง)...
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Ghost Hunt follows the ghost hunting adventures of Mai Taniyama, a first-year high school student who becomes involved with the Shibuya Psychic Research center (SPR) and its young ...
05/16/15 Trong nhà hát
Badly planned trek across Dartmoor landscape brings four friends face to face with the Dartmoor Beast. Lost and afraid the terrified party has to fight for their own lives in despe...
06/27/17 Trong nhà hát
Everything seems uneventful for Dean and Claire, as they head out into beautiful rural Australia for a weekend away. Their biggest problem is what to do about Claire being accepted...
09/12/18 Trong nhà hát
This documentary is an intimate and unnerving portrait of the events surrounding the most extensive scientific study of a paranormal hotspot in human history.
01/01/41 Trong nhà hát
01/01/15 Trong nhà hát
. “비밀을 알고 싶니?” 전학 온 소녀 란은 미에와 하나에게 종이접기로 만든 토끼를 건네준다. 토끼를 펼치자 보물지도가 나오고, 미에와 하나는 전통과 현대, 어른과 아이들이 공존하는 도시 나하를 돌아다니며 수수께끼를 하나씩 풀어나간다. 란의 거짓말과 진실 사이에서 두 소녀는 도시에 숨겨진 중요한 보물을 찾게 된다....
02/14/91 Trong nhà hát
미녀사냥 Beauty hunt,은 1991에 발표 된 한국 90분, 청소년관람불가 1991 드라마 1991.02.14 개봉 영화입니다,영화는 김오대가 지배하고 있습니다,남포동,이충식 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1991년02월14일에 출시되었습니다. 홀어머니인 한여사의 극진한 보살핌 속에 여대생 연희는 행복만을 느끼며 ...
01/01/13 Trong nhà hát
08/25/22 Trong nhà hát
หลังจากที่ผู้นำระดับสูงของเกาหลีเหนือขอลี้ภัย หัวหน้าฝ่ายกิจการต่างประเทศของหน่วยสืบราชการลับเกาหลีใต้ พัค พยองโฮ (อีจองแจ) และ ผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายกิจการภายในประเทศ คิมจองโด (จองอูซอง)...
10/20/22 Trong nhà hát
《獵首密令》,是一部2022年韓國特工喜劇片,由李政宰導演和執導,並與鄭雨盛、田慧振、許城泰和高允貞主演。 一名北韓高級官員申請人庇護後,南韓中央情報局(KCIA)的海外組組長樸平浩(李政宰 飾)和國內組組長金正道(鄭雨盛 飾)同時接到下令,必需找到深藏於局內、一名叫東林的北韓特工。而當東林開始洩漏有可能危及國家安全的最低軍事機密時,兩名組長更分別被委...
01/01/09 Trong nhà hát
導演: Jon Cohen 編劇: Jon Cohen 型別: 劇情 / 驚悚 / 恐怖 製片國家/地區: 澳大利亞 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2009 片長: Australia: 90 分鐘 ...