kết quả tìm kiếm Leila Wetton, ​​tổng số 3 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/01/90 Trong nhà hát
Love can drive you crazy. To the outside world Paul and Leila have a 'happy' family. A nice house| two nice kids| and most importantly they have each other. That'sthe problem. Both...
05/05/23 Trong nhà hát
2022 坎城影展主競賽 費比西國際性影評人獎 伊朗新銳導演薩伊德.盧斯塔伊繼《緝毒風暴》後再次蔓延到國際性電影界 伊朗全面打壓!導演不畏強權,生猛揭發伊朗社會上困局 萊拉的兩兄弟(波斯語: برادران لیلا,羅馬化:  Barādarān-e Leilā)是一部 2022 年的伊朗故事情節電影,由...