kết quả tìm kiếm Pengabdi Setan, ​​tổng số 7 (mất {taketime} giây).

11/23/17 Trong nhà hát
A mother finally passes away after suffering for three years from an unknown disease. With his wife gone, the father leaves the children to go work out of town. Eerie situations so...
07/11/22 Trong nhà hát
Beberapa tahun setelah berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari kejadian mengerikan yang membuat mereka kehilangan ibu dan si bungsu Ian, Rini dan adik-adiknya, Toni dan Bondi, serta Bapak...
08/12/22 Trong nhà hát
Indonesian director Joko Anwar returns with the sequel to his award-winning horror film "Pengabdi Setan." (2017, Satan’s Slave). This sequel will be the extension of the first movi...
08/11/22 Trong nhà hát
Indonesian director Joko Anwar returns with the sequel to his award-winning horror film "Pengabdi Setan." (2017). This sequel will be the extension of the first movie which bagged ...
03/09/18 Trong nhà hát
450萬觀眾驚聲尖叫《鬼搖靈》版權狂銷50餘國 今年票房橫掃東南亞的話題新片《鬼搖靈》(Pengabdi Setan),描述一家人因為與惡靈作交易,卻無法全身而退…。本片改編自經典恐怖片,被韓國最大的娛樂媒體公司CJ集團相中投資,在東南亞多國熱映三個月、狂吸450萬觀影人次,並榮登印尼影史最賣座的恐怖片冠軍寶座。各國發行商也聞風而至,電影版權狂...
09/20/17 Trong nhà hát
撒旦的奴隸是由Joko Anwar編寫和導演的2017年印度尼西亞恐怖片。這是1980年由Sisworo Gautama Putra執導的同名電影的一部寬重的重拍 - 前傳。情節發生在一個現在貧窮和不幸的家庭,他們的母親去世,他們因為一種奇怪的,使人衰弱的疾病臥床不起三年而死亡。
01/01/22 Trong nhà hát
數年前,一起駭人事件讓里妮(塔菈芭絲洛 飾)失去了媽媽和最小的弟弟。如今,里妮和爸爸、弟弟、妹妹搬到公寓居住,努力重建生活。他們原本以為,住在房客眾多的公寓比較安全,但在邪惡力量再度找上門時,這一家人才意識到,素未謀面的鄰居反而可能帶來更多危險……