kết quả tìm kiếm Playlist, ​​tổng số 10 (mất {taketime} giây).

01/01/21 Trong nhà hát
Sophie, 28, just found out she landed that job at a famous Parisian publisher. Her dream? Not exactly: she would rather see her own graphic work printed… When she tells her boyfrie...
01/14/22 Trong nhà hát
Sophie is 28 years old. She dreams of becoming a designer, but it would be so much easier if she had gone to art school. She also dreams of finding love, but it would be so much ea...
02/01/22 Trong nhà hát
Your Playlist เพลย์ลิสต์สื่อรัก | Ha-eun, who is as popular as a girl group, is as pretty as a girl group, has a bright personality, and is cold to the confession of a man. No matt...
07/01/15 Trong nhà hát
A story about an aspiring professional singer and a rock singer who collaborates in a song. As they work on their song, they start to develop feelings for each other.
01/01/22 Trong nhà hát
10/03/08 Trong nhà hát
Nick cannot stop obsessing over his ex-girlfriend, Tris, until Tris' friend Norah suddenly shows interest in him at a club. Thus beings an odd night filled with ups and downs as th...
01/01/21 Trong nhà hát
. 레스토랑 알바로 근근이 살아가는 28살 소피. 한 가지 꿈은 자신의 그림을 책으로 출간하는 것. 그런데 꿈에도 나이 제한이 있다고?! 유명 출판사에 취직하며 지긋지긋한 현생에서 벗어나나 했더니 임신과 함께 남자 친구는 떠나고출판사 사장은 빌런 오브 빌런!사랑, 희망 없음.직장, 다닐 가치 없음.이것 저것 없다 없다 ...
10/03/08 Trong nhà hát
尼克(邁克爾·塞拉 Michael Cera 飾)是個高中生貝斯手,有著不凡的音樂才華,不過性格內向木訥,因此慘遭女友拋棄;諾拉(凱特·戴琳斯 Kat Dennings 飾)是個有頭腦的個性女孩,從小受音樂人父親影響深遠,對音樂極其敏感。機緣巧合之下,諾拉拾到一張CD,被裡面的音樂打動,後又在一場演唱會上遇到尼克,對他一見鍾情。荒誕的一夜就此開啟,尼克要求諾...
12/10/21 Trong nhà hát
法國知名才女漫畫家 奈安蒂柯 首部劇情長片 法國當紅凱薩獎影后 莎拉佛莉絲蒂 魯蛇上身 《沒人愛小姐》莉蒂西亞杜希 一起厭世追夢 宛如法國版《紐約哈哈哈》巴黎女孩的求愛生存記   個性天真又少根筋的怪咖女孩蘇菲28歲了,還在餐廳打零工的她,一心想成爲漫畫家,卻非科班出身,就連想重返校園也被嫌太老。反而意外應徵上了巴黎一間知名漫畫出版社的工作,美其名...
01/01/20 Trong nhà hát