kết quả tìm kiếm Sardaar Ji, ​​tổng số 7 (mất {taketime} giây).

06/26/15 Trong nhà hát
Sardaar Ji happens to be one of the first fantasy films to be made in Punjabi cinema
06/30/17 Trong nhà hát
A gangster controls the Punjab state in India. He grows his popularity with his crimes like rape, murders etc. Two boys stop him and burn him alive with fire.
04/15/16 Trong nhà hát
Gabbar Singh arrives at the empire of Rathanpur to save the princess and the civilians from the ruthless criminal Bhairav Singh.
01/01/12 Trong nhà hát
11/13/12 Trong nhà hát
該片翻拍自2010年泰盧固語電影《Maryada Ramanna》,後者翻拍自1923年美國經典無聲電影《待客之道》。電影將視線放在了昌迪加爾的將領家族。演員們戴著頭巾、蓄著鬍子,著裝打扮就像《辛格為王》。故事發生在兩個交戰的將領家族之間。片方很有信心地將檔期定在排燈節 ,與雅什·喬普拉的導演的沙魯克·汗重頭戲同期上映。
04/08/16 Trong nhà hát
《扮豬吃老虎 Sardaar Gabbar Singh》是2016年印度泰盧固語-language動作喜劇執導電影KS拉溫德拉。製作爬完格利揚,Sharrath Marar和森爾·拉在自己的旗幟一起爬完格利揚創意作品,北辰娛樂和愛神國際,其還收購了電影的戲劇和音樂版權,這部影片是續集來格利揚的早期電影賈巴爾Singh (2012) 和...