kết quả tìm kiếm Shamshera, ​​tổng số 4 (mất {taketime} giây).

07/22/22 Trong nhà hát
Set in the fictitious city of Kaza, where a warrior tribe is enslaved and tortured by a ruthless authoritarian. Then a man rises from slavery to a leader and ultimately becomes a l...
07/22/22 Trong nhà hát
In the fictitious city of Kaza, a warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved & tortured by a ruthless authoritarian Shudh Singh. Shamshera is the a legend for his tribe who relentlessly...
07/19/22 Trong nhà hát
Kisah Shamshera berawal di kota Kaza, dimana suku pejuang dipenjara, diperbudak, dan disiksa oleh jenderal otoriter yang kejam, Shudh Singh. Kisah seorang pria yang berawal jadi bu...
07/22/22 Trong nhà hát
In the city of Kaza, a warrior tribe is enslaved and tortured by a ruthless authoritarian. Then a man rises from slavery to be a leader and ultimately becomes a legend for his trib...