kết quả tìm kiếm Villmark 2, ​​tổng số 2 (mất {taketime} giây).

10/09/15 Trong nhà hát
An old sanatorium is deteriorating in an isolated forest in the mountains. The elderly janitor is still living there to ensure that no one access the dangerous building. Five contr...
11/04/16 Trong nhà hát
建築可以被拆除,記憶無法被刪除! 挪威型別片教父親身打造正統北歐驚悚風格! 2015瑞典朗德國際奇幻影展 《絕命瘋人院 Villmark Asylum》講述了在一所深山孤嶺的荒廢療養院,年邁的工友依然生活其中,避免任何閒雜人等進入這棟陰森建築。五名約聘工人被派遣進入龐大的建築中執行拆除檢修任務,當他們進入療養院幽暗的地窖後,才驚覺這份工作原來不是拆...