F#Ck Nick Cannon

tổng số 10 bài đánh giá
thể loại   喜劇
thời gian chạy   1時 36分鐘
ngôn ngữ   英語
khu vực  
diễn viên   Nick Cannon  
bằng văn bản   Nick Cannon
Trong nhà hát   01/01/90
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cốt truyện của F#Ck Nick Cannon

In his follow up to his tremendously successful debut comedy special 'Mr. Showbiz,' the comic-actor-musician-host responds to anyone who's ever said: 'F#ck Nick Cannon.' A recent health scare has changed how he sees the world and he is here to share his unique perspective on getting older, raising his children, and living with his famous wife (Mariah Carey). Nick Cannon doesn't care what the haters think, and that's what gives him his hilarious edge. Taped at the River Rock Casino in Vancouver, BC.

diễn viên của F#Ck Nick Cannon

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