Sudsy Slim Rides Again

tổng số 53 bài đánh giá
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thời gian chạy   -
ngôn ngữ   英語
khu vực  
Trong nhà hát   04/20/18
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50% muốn,toàn bộ 104

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cốt truyện của Sudsy Slim Rides Again

Sudsy Slim Rides Again is a spaghetti Northwestern comedy, action, heist film about the tale of a small Alaskan town by the name of Scratcher Pass. Unfortunately, Scratcher Pass’ boom days as the world’s largest asbestos mining operation have long since faded. The only thing keeping this little community alive is the feeble tourist industry. The main attraction? Scratcher Pass’ most famous resident, the 100 year old corpse of conman, Sudsy Slim. However, when two escaped prisoners stumble into town, Sudsy mysteriously ends up missing and the townsfolk panic. That’s when Agent Dudley Sherman of the Alaska Bureau of Criminal Detection is reluctantly dragged in to investigate.

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